Sunday 22 October 2017

Study Task 04 - Identities and Cosumption

Having read the excerpt from Cathrine Jansson-Boyd's Consumer Psychology write a short summary for each of the following concepts:

What is meant by multiple identities?
When a person adapts and acts differently in different situations in their life."The number of identities an individual has depends on how many different types of social situations they frequently find themselves in." An example given in the text is the different behaviour of a woman, when she is at work as a lawyer, and when she is at home as a mom.

How are identities formed?
Identities are formed through an individuals acceptance of many different aspects into their lives. "Once people reach adulthood, they tend to incorporate their feelings, what motivates them, political beliefs, religious beliefs, physical appearance, group memberships, age and the material possessions they own to describe themselves".

What is social categorisation?
It is when individuals categorise others in relation to themselves, and place them into groups based on their impression of them. "...we tend to focus on the groups people belong to and the type of possessions they own, we view them as a representation of what the groups and possessions stand for rather than as individuals in their own right."

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