Wednesday 29 March 2017

Lecture Programme Summary

Theory, Practice and Professionalism is at the core of our undergraduate studies (Cop, Studio Practice and PPP Modules). 
Experiential Learning is cyclical.
-->>> Knowledge: You recall or recognise information -> Comprehension: You make quantitative and qualitative judgements relating to established criteria -> Application: You solve problems by using appropriate knowledge and generalisation -> Analysis: You separate information into component parts -> Synthesis: You solve problems by combining information through original and creative thinking -> Evaluation: You change information into a different form, format or media -->>>

We are here because ... is our job to communicate.
...we solve problems of communication through type, image and/or motion.
...we are interested in words, language, message and meaning.
...we need to be able to effectively communicate ideas, concepts and content to different audiences in a range of contexts.

Visual Communication:
- is a process of sending and receiving messages using type and images.
- is based on a level of shared understandings of signs, symbols, gestures and objects.
- is affected by audience, context, media and method of distribution.

Visual Literacy:
- is the ability to interpret, negotiate and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image.
- is based on the idea that pictures can be read.
- all that is necessary for any language to exist is an agreement amongst a group of people that one thing will stand for another.
- visual communication is made up of presentational symbols whose meaning results from their existence in particular contexts ... the conventions of visual communication are a combination of universal and cultural symbols.

Western Visual Cultural History:
- The Bauhaus (1919 - 1933)
- Introduction of Apple Macintosh (1990)
- Invention of the worldwide web (

"Process is more important than outcome.
When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we've already been. If process drives outcome we may end up where we have not yet been."

What happens from here? - Context of Practice 2:
- exploring discipline specific content.
- developing individual areas of interest.
- formulating research questions.
- developing practical and contextual research skills.
- writing research project proposals.
- research informed practice and academic writing.

Theory (Knowing that...) + Practice (Knowing how...) = Synthesis

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