Tuesday 13 February 2018

Cop2 Practical - Supergraphics Research

As the brief asks to design a supergraphic/wall art that could be applied to the existing building of the 'Royal Armouries Museum', I decided to research into existing buildings with supergraphics. This gave me a broader understanding of what supergraphics is, as well as gave me inspiration for how supergraphics can be used to communicate a message, and draw people's attention.

I found that the use of colour and imagery was a big part of supergraphics, as these elements can make the building stand out from its surroundings, as well as tell a story. This inspired my ideas to make illustrations as part of the supergraphics for this project, as this would also allow me to tell a story/send a message to the viewers/audience.
I also realised that a lot of the supergraphics utilise the building's architecture/form/shape to apply the supergraphics in a way that works with the building and compliments it, rather than covering it. This is something that not only look visually appealing, but also enhances and highlights the architecture of the building. From my essay, I know that working architecture and graphic design into a coherent whole has the biggest impact, therefore this is also something I was inspired to do for my designs.

Large typography is used so it can be read far away/reach a wider audience.

Colour used to make building stand out/highlight the entrance.

Illustration is used to give the buildings character.

Supergraphics seen from different angle's/target audience and viewer are considered.

Supergraphics work with and around the building to highlight its character.

architecture/materials are utilised to create graphics.

The building's architecture is utilised, the supergraphics work with and around the building.

Colour is used to make the building stand out/catch people's attention.

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