Thursday 18 October 2018

Initial Essay Question Ideas and Initial Research

Theories I'm interested in:
Psychology and Psychoanalysis - human behaviours + motivations, explore how and why people react to certain visual stimuli.
Marxist Criticism - how certain aspects of mass-communication are constructed in such a way that enables power and social organisation under capitalism.

Psychology in Graphic Design - how it creates power? BRAND power? POLITICAL power?

Essay question could be something along the lines of:
Exploring why and how certain visual stimuli enhance the power of individuals in the eyes of the consumer/audience?

Power in Politics (could look at): Clinton vs Trump Campaigns, Brexit vs Remain, Putin, Hitler, North Korea, Historic Propaganda.

Steven Heller (YouTube Video)
"typographic styles are indicators of certain types of culture"
"graphic design to the average person is that thing that they pass everyday and they, you know, they'll acknowledge the thing its saying but they wont acknowledge the form that its said in"
"we're all influenced by what's around us and we're even more influenced when somebody is pulling strings and manipulating us"
"as designers we make marks, one of the most horrific yet enigmatic marks is the swastika. The Nazis used it. Hitler claimed credit for it, but it has a long history"
"it's a question about the symbols ability to be reclaimed and changed into its original form"

Clinton vs. Trump

Michael Bierut - Dezeen Website
"Had trump won not in spite of his terrible design work, but because of it?"
Trump's "bad typography, amateurish design, haphazard, inconsistent, downright ugly communications"
"...everything was topped off with nothing more than a red hat with a badly kerned, caps-locked slogan"
Michael Moore - "more people in the Midwestern states that swung the election care more about baseball hats than graphic design"

The Guardian
Clinton "It reeked of the establishment, exuding the still corporate feel of a bank, while the jarring symbolism of a red arrow pointing right wasn't lost on liberal critics"
Trump "amateurish muddle, with inconsistent typography and homespun posters, his bullish brand crowned by a red baseball cap adorned with a slogan written in default Time New Roman caps lock"
"the Trump campaign spent more on caps than polling"
"the hat worked because it was the basic merchandise of the downhome everyman, pitched against the neatly crafted badges of the Clinton machine"

Psychology of Graphic Design - Digital Arts Online
"Gestalt theories explain how people tend to organise visual elements into groups, and how the whole is often greater than its parts. Their application takes advantage of how the brain self-organises information in a manner that's orderly, regular, symmetrical and simple"
"Used in a logo, the Gestalt principle makes it more interesting, more visually arresting - and therefore the message more memorable"
Simon Norris - "Psychology is the science of behaviour and the mind. When design and behaviour match, the design will be superior."

"[Remain's] crisp graphic juxtaposed with Pro-Brexit Wetherspoon beermats"
"Pro-remain posters...spoke only to those already sympathetic to the cause"

Hope to Nope
Margaret Cabbage "the last decade has seen a dramatic shift in how political visual material is produced and disseminated"

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