Friday 23 November 2018

NUS - Practical Brief, Initial Ideas and Feedback

For my practical, I first wanted to re-brand NUS and make it feel more approachable for students, as I had heard some comments previously that their current branding felt a little corporate. However, after writing my initial practical brief and drawing up some small sketches of initial ideas, I received some feedback that this approach may not be the best.

- I think the NUs logo and branding is okay, it is quite professional/serious which is what it needs to be. I don't think you should re-design their logo.
- Maybe just do a campaign for them, they don't need a re-design, they just need their message heard in a different way.
- You could do a social media campaign - that would be appropriate for students.
- You could do something like the 'Dig In' box we got when we were first-years. Like a starter pack with NUS that could have posters, sticker etc in it to appeal to students.
- Students love merchandise, and its free promotion. You could also have tote bags, t-shirts etc.

After the feedback session I was quite relieved, because I myself felt that the direction I was going in was not the most relevant. The initial logo re-design sketches I had were very weak, and I didn't seem to have any original or effective ideas in my opinion. So when my feedback suggested that I leave behind the re-design idea and just focus on making a campaign I started to feel more confident. I also really responded well with the idea of creating merchandise and content for social media, as I felt this would be very appropriate for the student audience I am aiming to design for.

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