Wednesday 7 November 2018

Social Media and Politics

"As social media and technology continues to grow, it’s vital that politicians and world leaders strategise their marketing plan and reach a broader demographic."
"One person can cause a rippling effect in activism and forever change the destiny of a country."
" A placard is not a good placard if it’s not witty and visually appealing enough to be shared on social media."
"The rise of social media has played an important part in addressing these issues over the last ten years and never has it been easier for a creative campaign to have impact"

Shepard Fairey:
"Digital tools and social media mean that more people are empowered, but there are also white noise and mediocre graphics and memes bouncing around."
" I was making images with the mindset that people have a lot of visual noise in their lives, so my work needs to be instant and memorable. "
"I utilise the same principles that I always have when I transmit my work digitally; I want it to be instantly memorable, evocative, and graphically and emotionally potent."
"Digital tools have in some ways helped activism, but in other ways they have resulted in people doing things that are merely convenient and symbolic only for them. It is not necessarily meaningful in terms of how they participate in effecting change."
"One of the reasons doing work on the street is still very important to me is that it demonstrates my commitment to actions in the real world, not just in the digital realm."

"The prevalence of social media in politics has made elected officials and candidates for public office more accountable and accessible to voters."
"And the ability to publish content and broadcast it to millions of people instantaneously allows campaigns to carefully manage their candidates’ images based on rich sets of analytics in real time and at almost no cost."
"They allow like-minded voters and activists to easily share news and information such as campaign events with each other. That's what the "Share" function on Facebook and "retweet" feature of Twitter are for."
""I like it because I can get also my point of view out there, and my point of view is very important to a lot of people that are looking at me," Trump said."
"Many campaigns hire staffers to monitor their social media channels for negative response and scrub anything unflattering."
"Well run modern day campaigns will engage the public regardless of whether their feedback is negative or positive."
"One reason social media is effective is that it engages younger voters. Typically, older Americans tend to make up the largest portion of voters who actually go to the polls. But Twitter and Facebook have energized younger voters, which has had a profound impact on elections. President Barack Obama was the first politician to tap into the power of social media during his two successful campaigns."
"Social media tools have allowed Americans to easily join together to petition the government and their elected officials, leveraging their numbers against the influence of powerful lobbyists and monied special interests. "

"The interplay between politicians and social media was an important part of Dave Eggers’ satirical book, The Circle. This is about a fictional Californian tech company emerging as the dominant social media, email and messaging platform. The novel, a warning against the internet’s remorseless creep into people’s private lives, featured politicians agreeing to allow cameras to film them during their waking hours."
"We are not at that point yet, but world leaders and their wannabe replacements can now have unfiltered communication with online followers."
"Politicians have a choice. Some show their true selves on the internet, with the risk of enraging or offending voters. Others hide behind professional, bland accounts, with the risk that they can be seen as characterless. "
"Social media is also disrupting the relationship between politicians and older news groups. In days gone by, a politician might simply give an interview or an opinion piece to a television station or newspaper. But newspaper sales are in decline and media groups rely ever more heavily on websites. To lure eyeballs to online articles they now use social media to attract attention."
James Morris, partner at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, a consultancy:
"Younger consumers in particular look to social media for news, says Mr Morris. “I think there is a generational issue. For people over say 35, social media is a distinct thing, it is one among many types of media,” he says. “For younger people it is their main source of media, so social media is media for them. A 22-year-old is unlikely to be watching the 10 o’clock news on television.” 

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