Monday 12 November 2018

Cop Tutorial & Feedback 12/11/2018

Tutorial Feedback

- The essay has a good start, doing the introduction first seems like will help you.
- Don't add any more examples, as the 4 you have are really strong, they represent different methods of political design, and are really good in comparing and contrasting with each other.
- If you add any more examples, they may not fit into the essay and would not speak of anything new.
- The practical can either be a serious campaign, or something more light-hearted, a campaign about something silly that you make it seem serious.
- Raising awareness about the campaigns, making them visual.
- Maybe take something that doesn't have a visual identity, and give it one so people can connect with it more.
- Maybe take a charity or organization and give them a re-brand.
- Speak to the Student Union, ask about any organizations or charities they know that could do with a re-brand.
- Make people more aware, and engage with the organization. Make it more emotive.
- Use all the techniques, methods you learn from writing your essay, and apply to your practical.

Studio Union Suggested Organizations:
- Candlelighters
- St Gemmas Hospice
- Together Women
- Freedom4Girls
- Basis Yorkshire
- Leeds Womens Aid
- National Union of Students (NUS)

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