Friday 16 November 2018

'Understanding Media Semiotics' by Marcel Danesi

"The internet has become, above all else, a highly effective medium of advertising" P170.
"...They are effective because they reflect 'shifts' already present in popular culture" P179.
"Business firms, political parties and candidates, social organizations, special-interest groups, and governments alike advertise routinely in various media to create favourable 'images' of themselves in the minds of the people" P179.
"The repetition of advertising in different media of the same system is a primary strategy used to strengthen product recognizability" P194.
"Outdoor signs are used because people pass by the signs repeatedly. In addition, large, colourful signs attract attention." P194.
"Print media now use computer and telecommunications technologies to create, produce, and print different version of the same ad text. Called 'selective binding', this enable advertisers to stylize versions of their texts for selected groups of readers." P194.
"The Internet has, moreover, the advantage that it is simultaneously an impulse, a directional, and an interactive medium" P194. Impulse - it indulges viewers to click ads. Directional - allows viewers to buy products/services. Interactive - allows viewers/consumers and manufacturers/services to interact.
"Advertising has become the fuel for an entertainment-driven society that seeks artifice as part of its routine of escapism from the deeper philosophical questions that would otherwise beset it." P199.
"...while the Internet may seem to be under the control of media moguls, it has also made it possible for virtually everyone to join into the fray and gain an audience for his or her 'voice'." P217.

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