Thursday 15 November 2018

'Persuasion in Advertising' by John O'Shaughnessy and Nicholas Jackson O'Shaughnessy

"with repeated exposure comes familiarity, and with familiarity usually comes increased liking" P3.
"Persuasion differs from 'invlfuence'. Although persusasion is a way of influencing, all ways of influencing are not persuation. People can influence the beliefs, values, wants or actions of others withough making any deliberate attempt to do so." P6.
"One way to persuade people to change is to show that what they believe or the way they act is not in line with reference group norms" P11.
"Persuastion motivates people into action through influencing beliefes and desires" P25.
"Advertising that resnates emotionally stands more chance of inducing a change in beliefs and values/motives/wants/desires than one based on logic alone." P27
"emotion is advertising" P28.
"advertising should connect with what concerns the audience" P28.
"stories create a warm feeling of reassurance which tends to mute criticism" P31.
"Although an appeal that resonates emotionally will get attention and even trigger action, there is sually a need to show that the proposed actions is socially appropriate and can be 'rationally' justified'. P36.
"The art of successful political agitation lies in selecting the issues that best resonate with the public". P36.
"Symbols can susbstitute for vast quantities of direct information and in this lies their power to influence" P38.
"But when a symbol is loaded with ambiguity, the power of symbolism can lie in its very vaguenss since the audience has more freedom to interpret and map onto it their deepest concerns. P38

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